Muon Collider Physics and Detector R&D 

The Muon Collider provides a possible path to a next generation high energy lepton collider.  A Muon Collider is not limited in radius by bremstrahlung, as is a e+e- collider and thus can be made compact. The Physics and Detector effort for the Muon Collider is intended to acess the physics potential of a Muon Collider by understanding the challenges posed by the large beam backgrounds, providing a simulation environment, simulating selected physics processes, and defining the associated detector challenges.

Neutron fluence from
      MARS model

Physics and Detector Goals
Muon Accelerator Program

2011 Telluride Conference

Muon Collider Muon Collider Detector Simulation

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Muon Collider Higgs Factory Whitepaper

Draft June 17 2013:

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The Case for a Muon Collider Higgs Factory

Draft June 25 2013:

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Draft June 25 2013:



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